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Informacje XXXNinjas
www.xxxninjagames.com www.patreon.com/xxxninjas www.subscribestar.adult/xxxninjas
Status związku: Wolny/a
Zainteresowany/a: Laskami
Miasto oraz kraj: London, United Kingdom
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Liczba wyświetleń: 19 224 040
Wyświetlenia profilu: 7 197 363
Obejrzanych filmów: 1 316
Wyświetlono 1-24 z 2688


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Hello everyone 🙂

I thought I’d just make a quick post on here as I have not in a while, and I have been seeing a few comments about missing videos and features on my page. So ever since Phub updated their services I think about 8-12 months ago where they purged like 7 million videos of their site and added the trust and safety rules. They basically took away a-lot of features for myself due to the fact i don’t speak in my videos or have a commentary over the top like 99% of other creators of the same type of videos I do. This includes a profile pic and banner as you can see and I’m guessing public playlist as well. They told me I would need to do commentary over my videos in order to retain all the features like I had when I first started on here. I started making these videos in the first place as I always wanted to watch this sort of content but didn’t like the voice overs that nearly all content creators were doing (it put me off lol). At the start the only difference between me and everyone else because of the lack of commentary was I wouldn’t get paid or earn ad revenue, which was absolutely fine for me. It wasn’t until the recent updates everything else would be not available to me like the things I mentioned earlier. So, I spent months creating and designing my own website where I could post freely. This was because hub started really cracking down on what kind of things were allowed in there videos even in cartoon form. It got to a point where I had to edit the same 20-minute video 4 or 5 times to get it too stay up and that was because I had to remove a large portion of the scenes which in the end didn’t seem even worth it. So, for the past year now this page has become more of an advertisement for my site where I try to post up to 10 videos a day on.
 Because of my site now which over the last year has been building a community and has drastically exceeded my expectations, this page has just been a place where I can throw videos here and there, so people are aware and can come join us over there if they like what they see. I don’t have time the reedit and remove scenes and events so that they can get up on Pornhub. Which in turn makes my page on Pornhub not as good. But if I didn’t upload videos on here people wouldn’t even be aware of the content I make. So, I’m sorry if you get annoyed or angry at the fact you can’t watch a series in full on here and trust me if It was the same as when I first joined, I would make sure you could. If you do enjoy the type of content I do and want to check out the 4000+ videos I currently have up, then head on over to my site. If you solely looking for this type of content but only on Phub there are plenty of amazing creators uploading full series every single day which have full uninterrupted playlist so you can enjoy these amazing games without missing anything. I hope you all understand, and I’ll keep uploading videos on here until i can’t
  • 61
1 miesiąc temu
Giving your site information would be helpful.
  • 2
2 miesięcy temu
Holy shit! I just read your message! And I couldn't understand why a lot of videos were missed! Now I'm going to your website! Thanks!
  • 0
9 miesięcy temu
Where's your site
  • 1
- przesłał/a 6 nowych filmów!
- przesłał/a 1 nowy film!
dodał(a) 1 nowe filmy do playlisty
- przesłał/a 3 nowych filmów!
- przesłał/a 2 nowych filmów!
- przesłał/a 2 nowych filmów!
- przesłał/a 2 nowych filmów!
- przesłał(a) 10 nowe zdjęcia
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