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Pornhub just says Fuck off

Each time when they answer my letters, support staff always mention that " Pornhub is a community-based platform ". Well, the problem is that after this line they literally say "fuck off, pal, we won't tell you anything"
] The decision to terminate your account is final and will not be overturned nor can we disclose the v*******n that led to the termination. [
So now I have to ask the community that built around my channel, I'm asking you guys, maybe they will listen to you and give some answers - What was the reason to smack this small gaming channel of Piglet Peter?
If you could write them a few tickets, to remind them, that this platform was made for you, for the viewers, and the content that I was creating made for you, so I think you have all rights to know what the actual fuck is going on with my channel. 😲
Meantime I'll upload my content here: patreon.com/piglet_peter and on my backup channel xvide*os.com/profiles/piglet_peter (without *)
Thank you for all your support, guys! It's just overwhelming.
  • 71
2 lat temu
Thats horrible. i was wondering what happened when i couldnt search you up
  • 1
2 lat temu
love your vids man, i came to just wank but now i stay for the plot; appreciate the grind mate
  • 2
2 lat temu
I just made an account to say, that I really enjoy your content. Its Bs that they banned you for no apparent reason. You will continue to have my support.
  • 5
2 lat temu
First they are deleting videos from different playlist now they're banning them without any warning and reason. How disappointing.
  • 2
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😲 😲 😲
What's happened?
] You have been removed from the Model Program.
This is what I've received this morning and now I'm trying to contact PHub staff to find what caused this and how to fix this problem.
Meantime you can visit my patreon.com/piglet_peter to find most of my content and follow any updates on my channel. Your support will be needed now more then ever!
  • 80
2 lat temu
  • 0
2 lat temu
Do you already have more information.Is it the game or that you shared playing the game?
  • 0
2 lat temu
Oh noooo I hope it they return it.
  • 3
2 lat temu
Hi hope you solve the problem and come back soon!
  • 2
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WTF, PHub?

🤪 What the actual fuck is happening to PHub lately? They've launched a crusade against video games or what? 1,5mln views are gone for good and they didn't care to tell about the reasons for flagging or deletion of the videos!
  • 11
3 lat temu
They're based in Canada so legal stuff for them is a real hustle
  • 0
3 lat temu
Same problem on XHamster
  • 0
3 lat temu
I feel you man, I'm down almost 5m videos and 80 videos. I've double checked the videos they removed and they are NOT against terms of service. PH is just purging videos out of fear at this point.
  • 2
3 lat temu
Apparently the recent takedown of all non-verified user content has to deal with MasterCard and Visa blocking access to PHub. There a recent controversy with an article that claims PHub has some illegal videos up on the site. So rather addressing the problem and taking steps to better filter out the content they chose taking down all videos from non-verified users. That why like half of the videos on this site is gone.
  • 4
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CREAMPIE now Pornhub’s Terms of Service - What the actual fuck?

 Hello Piglet_Peter,
We have removed the following material because the content was deemed to Pornhub’s https://www.pornhub.com/information#terms.
  Oath Of Loyalty - playthrough ep.1 [v0.4]
 Specifically, this material has been found to contain or refer to: Excretion of Body Fluids
WTF is that? Are you guys mad or what? So creampie and drippin cum is now cause videos to be deleted from PHub? Because its a "Excretion of Body Fluids " ?
  • 14

3D and cartoon games that you wouldn't show to your mum! :@) Support my videos: patreon.com/piglet_peter | subscribestar.adult/piglet_peter

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