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International Sex Workers’ Day: Sharpen Your Advocacy Skills with Spokes Hub

Amplify your voice and make a change.

By Pornhub | June 02, 2024 | 4 minutes

Today is International Sex Workers’ Day which began forty-six years ago. It started when over 100 sex workers started an 8 day protest against inhumane working conditions and occupied the Église Saint-Nizier church in Lyon, France. Since then, sex workers and allies across the globe have come together to march for their rights and commemorate the protest, making today the perfect time to sharpen your advocacy skills.

Are you looking to make a difference in your community, but do not know where to start? Do you have something to say about sexual freedom, but your posts are not reaching the right audience? Are you ready to share your valuable experience, but do not know where to apply your energy? Embrace the spirit of International Sex Workers’ Day and consider enrolling in Spokes Hub!

Spokes Hub is a virtual academy aimed at supporting people with lived experience in the sex trade. It aims to develop sex worker voices and authority toward advocacy. The program is hosted by Woodhull Freedom Foundation, the only human rights organization working full time to protect the fundamental human right to sexual freedom, and New Moon Network, a sex worker led organization dedicated to advancing the rights and welfare of people in the sex trade. The courses are designed to help participants deepen their understanding of complex issues and expand their advocacy skills.

Capitalize on peer learning and research! The goal of the program is to help you gain confidence on issues relating to sexual freedom. The engaging classes and workshops, led by people with lived experience in the sex trade, encourage the development of writing and public speaking skills. These skills are invaluable in advocacy work and can be utilized for writing op-eds, articles, and essays as well as engaging the media, giving interviews, speaking on panels, giving presentations, and leading group discussions.

Spokes Hub is entirely free and open only to people who have experience in the sex industry. Graduates of the program can access financial support through the Awards Pool. In its first year, Spokes Hub distributed over $10,000 in Awards Pool payments.  

“The goal of Spokes Hub is to provide a space where we can learn from each other, cultivate our expertise, and become more effective in our advocacy and public education. The program is free and provides compensation opportunities for graduates to support their advocacy efforts. Anyone with lived experience in the adult industry is welcome to join. Drop into a class to learn more!” - Savannah Sly, Director at New Moon Network

Advocacy has never been more important than it is today, as we face increasingly dangerous age verification laws that threaten not only our industry but also fundamental human rights. Content creators are unfairly targeted as you will lose out on the revenue and views that would have come from millions of users in blocked regions who can no longer access our platform. By strengthening our collective voice and standing up for our rights, we can challenge these harmful regulations and promote a more just and sex-positive society.

Engaging in simple acts like sharing infographics and posts on social media is a great way to amplify these issues and encourage others to learn more. If you would like to equip yourself with the tools to make a significant impact, enroll in Spokes Hub. Your voice is powerful, and with the right skills and support, you can drive meaningful change and safeguard sexual freedom for all.

To learn more, check out Spokes Hub and click here to enroll! You can also build your knowledge of issues affecting sex workers ahead of subscribing to a course. Check out the resources below as a helpful starting point:



The Law

The Laws the Sex Workers Really Want

22 Years of "End Demand": The Evidence is In

A Guide on the Human Rights of Sex Workers


Discrimination Against Sex Workers and How it Affects Their Daily Lives

Sex Workers: Canaries in the Tech Coalmines  

Key Populations

Un-Licensed: Asian Migrant Massage Licensure and the Racialized Policing of Poverty

LGBTQ+ Rights & Sex Worker History

We Organized! Black Sex Worker Roundtable
