Model Spotlight

Model Citizens: Molly Pills

Model Citizens: Molly Pills on Pornhub

By Pornhub | July 20, 2022

If there's one Model who gets turned on by a change of scenery and a little outdoor cardio, it's Molly Pills. If you've ever come across her Pornhub page, then you know what I mean. And since we're hiding away from snowstorms and brutal winter winds, we decided to put the spotlight on Molly Pills and live vicariously through her till spring comes around. As aventurous as Molly Pills may be in the great outdoors, you'll be suprised to learn she wasn't always this bold. Keep on reading and get to know Molly Pills a little more.

What influenced you to join the industry?

Two years ago, I attended the AVN expo and it literally rocked my world. I was so shy and apprehensive back then — I didn’t have very much confidence in myself or what I had to say. I knew something had to change or I wouldn’t live a very happy life. So over the next year, I took some huge leaps, got out of my comfort zone, and put myself out there. Doing porn helped me become more comfortable with my body and myself in general. It was the best thing I could have done for myself. I have officially been in the industry for just over 1 year and have been on PornHub for about the same amount of time.

Has your perception of the industry changed since joining? If so, how? Have you ever had any second thoughts?

Before I joined the industry, I barely watched any porn or had any kind of experience with it. The only pornstar I even knew by name before I started was Kimmy Granger (spoiler alert, she’s awesome). Fortunately, I have never had any second thoughts because the positives of being in the industry have far outweighed any negatives. 
What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about the industry you wish you could change?

Some people seem to think amateur and professional pornstars would automatically consent to someone's desires because they film porn, but that is such a dangerous and scary assumption. People think it’s okay to send me lewd photos or push their fantasies onto me. I want a basic understanding that exhibitionism is not an invitation. I suggest to fellow content creators to not push your explicit videos or photos onto people upfront ⁠— make them available and promote that you have them. Consent is a two-way street.

How has joining the industry changed your life?

Before joining the adult industry, I didn’t feel as though I had a clear path for my future. I felt stuck doing things I didn’t enjoy just to get by. Through producing my own content, I have gained total freedom and confidence. I’m very thankful to work for myself. We built our businesses around a lifestyle we feel passionate about like adventuring outdoors, positivity, and respect. Now I spend every day doing exactly what I want to do. I’d also like to mention, in terms of the community within the adult industry, we have befriended some of the kindest and most helpful humans ever. Our peers tend to be very informative and encouraging and actually want us to succeed.

How do you prep before shooting?

We mostly shoot outdoor content, so before we leave, I always get camera-ready by showering, shaving, and doing my makeup and hair. Then we pack the hike bags with water, toys, lube, wipes, extra panties, camera equipment, blankets, and snacks to take with us. Being prepared is the key to a great scene.

Are there any fetishes on your bucket you’d like to try but haven’t done yet?

I want to get really good at anal! I have always been interested in making a hardcore anal video because it is the type of porn I enjoy watching. However, my booty hole isn’t quite ready to take it yet. I’ve been working my way up to it with toys and plugs. I’m hopeful that I’ll be ready to film it soon because I feel like it’s going to be super hot.

Why the name Molly Pills? How is she different and similar to you?

I wanted a playful nod to ecstasy. When it comes to who Molly Pills is, she is a genuine representation of me. I don’t change my personality at all for any of the content that I make, whether it be live, recorded, in person, or on social media. Molly Pills is a manifestation of me just living my best life.

What kind of scenes do you most enjoy shooting?

I definitely prefer shooting in nature the most! Since I exclusively create amateur content with my husband and friends, it’s very easy to shoot everything exactly the way we like. In my opinion, shooting outside is the best because the beautiful sceneries add a lot to the experience. Also, hiking is a passion of mine, so that enjoyment you see on screen is 100% authentic.

Tell us something about yourself your fans would be surprised to learn.

I don’t do molly! I haven’t done any drugs in quite a few years. Also, I’m a huge Star Trek nerd. I’ve seen every episode of every series multiple times.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I generally have a relaxed daily schedule. I usually wake up at around 7:30 and drink coffee in bed with Conor. Then I shower and head downstairs to check my emails and do admin work on the computer like post on social. I work on the Molly Pills blog and channel, as well as our couple channel, Horny Hiking.  Around 12:30, I take a break and have brunch. If we are filming that day, I will get camera ready and we will head to whatever location we are exploring. We spend a lot of time taking in the sights and sounds of the world. I have dinner at around 6 and after I’m done, I’ll begin fasting again until the next day. After that, I usually work on the computer a little more and do some editing or video promoting. When I’m done with work, I’ll chill and watch TV or read until it’s time for bed.
When you’re not working, what could we find you doing?

I built my brand around what I love to do, traveling, adventuring and exploring. Work doesn’t really feel like work because I enjoy it so much! So other than that, I hang out with Conor, chill with Amigato my cat, and read.

You’re always travelling; what have been some of your favorite spots and why?

That’s a tough one! This world is really cool and we want to see and share it all. So far, Bacalar, Mexico is my favorite place on Earth, but Tulum is a very close second. Other than that, I have a lot of love for the American Southwest — it’s my favorite region. We are very much looking forward to our international travels in 2020.

What has been your biggest success and struggle thus far?

My biggest success so far has been being able to make a living off producing our own porn. That, and winning the PornHub back-to-school contest! That win was a pivotal point in my career and I took it as a sign that I could really do this.

My biggest struggle has probably just been transitioning into producing amateur content full time. Filming, editing, uploading, marketing, and all the other admin work is done by us alone and, at first, it was hard to navigate. Now that all our income comes from the Molly Pills and Horny Hiking brands, there were some growing pains where we weren’t sure if we could make it, but I’m so glad we stuck it out and stayed consistent.

How do you use social media to promote your work? How do you use it to grow your fan base?

Social media connects me with my friends and fans and helps them get to know me outside of my porn videos. I post on my blog as though it’s my diary. On Instagram, I post SFW photos and stories about my day. I like using Twitter because it’s more adult-friendly and I’m able to share a real representation of what I’m up to. My OnlyFans ( is where I spend time chatting  back and forth with fans as well as post daily photos and videos so there is a constant stream of naughty content. My public Snapchat is where I announce any new videos I’m releasing or special promotions I have going on. I also have a private Snapchat for people that like real-time BTS of some of my adventures. If you are an amateur producer, social media is the key to stay connected and grow your reach.

How do you deal with online criticism?

I honestly don’t get much criticism. The majority of people have been so kind and encouraging! Most of the time, trolls on the Internet are cruel just for the sake of being cruel. When that happens, I simply don’t engage and try not to read it at all. If I do read it, I don’t take it to heart and try and stay positive. However, I really appreciate valid constructive criticism. I’ve gotten lots of great advice and capitalize on thoughtful input.  9502-5.png
How do you use the features on Pornhub and ModelHub to your advantage?

I put my full-length videos on Modelhub and cut shorter clips out of those videos to post for free on Pornhub so everyone gets a taste. If they end up wanting more, they can join my membership site or enjoy the videos I have on Pornhub Premium. I use Fan Club to post a lot of the stuff that I used to post on Snapchat, like a sneak peek into my everyday life, behind-the-scenes pictures and stuff like that. However, my favorite thing to do is post on my wall so I can directly hear from my fans and keep everyone up to date with what I have going on.

What kind of advice can you give to new Models?

Stay positive; nothing worth having happens overnight. Take the time to plan your brand. Diversify your income streams and be consistent. Don’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with and if you don’t like something, don’t feel obligated to say yes. Always go over any contracts you’re considering signing with your lawyer to make sure you don’t get taken advantage of.

If you could go back in time to when you started, what kind of advice would you give yourself?

I would tell myself to stay positive, this takes lots of work and time. You can do this!

Where do you hope to see your career in the next 5 years?

In the next 5 years, I would like to fully transition into living internationally and make lots of content all over the world. I would like to be nominated and possibly even win an award for our efforts. I want to spend the next 5 years promoting happiness and inspiring others to live their best life. This is a mission of growth and positivity.

Follow Molly Pills on Twitter and Instagram for photos, videos, and updates on her next project.

Twitter @mollypills_

Instagram @mollypills_
